Integrity Policy

Top Management is held responsible to

Ensure that in providing potential clients with access to products and services, there shall not be undue financial or other conditions.

Ensure no Auditor has provided consultancy services, without appropriate controls and authority (detailed in section 3 Management of Conflict of Interest) having been applied.

Note: Consultancy is defined as the provision of specific solution to a client or undertaking on behalf of a client the design, manufacture/implementation or operation of an asset or system.

Ensure organisational separation as appropriate so that respective service delivery teams work independently with separate line management.

Ensure controls for managing incidences of conflict of interest are determined and documented.

Ensure top-management commitment to impartiality in the certification services provided.

Ensure their work area is independent to the extent that is required with regard to the conditions under which it performs its services. This includes independence from all of the parties involved.

Ensure employees involved in certification are free from any commercial, financial or other inducement that may affect their judgement.

Ensure the procedures under which their area operates are administered in a non-discriminatory manner.

Ensure their work area is not substantially dependent on a single commercial enterprise for its revenue.