Use of Logo

There are very few restrictions on the use of the JMS product approval mark.  Restrictions are imposed by accreditation councils when the JMS product approval mark is used in association with an accreditation mark (a joined mark).  JMS has no control over such restrictions and is required to ensure that they are complied with.


The restrictions on the JMS product approval mark, when used on its own, are:

a.      it must be reproduced in a single colour, but any colour may be used

b.      it must not be used to imply that certification exists, other than that defined in the JMS scope of approval as stated on the JMS certificate of approval

c.       it must not be used to imply that JMS has approved a product to a product standard

This is because the JMS product approval mark relates to management system approval, and not to product conformity.  In effect, this requirement prevents the use of any JMS product approval mark on a productThe JMS product approval mark must not be used on the product itself, or on the primary packaging.

d.      it must not be used on test or calibration reports or certificates, or on certificates of conformity